No matter the look you desire, Fleeky Lash n Brow Studio, a premier salon for lash extensions in Auckland, can provide you with excellent eyelash extensions and cosmetic tattoo services made from premium materials and techniques.
Our professionals have acquired the exact skill of applying eyelashes after years of practise. We also provide semi-permanent makeup using the most recent methods, including lip blushing, lip shading, and micro blading. We confidently tailor your lash extensions, eyebrows, and other features to match your personal style, lifestyle, and way of life.
Our skilled artists have years of training and experience in the beauty business to back them up. Each one of them has the expertise and experience necessary to develop ideal solutions that will not only improve your look but also give you the self-assurance to showcase the most attractive version of yourself. When looking for the top lash and brow treatments in Auckland, we are honoured to be the top option of our clients.
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Master of Creative Practice
New Zealand
With my aesthetic background, ability, passion and experience, I am confident that I can help my lovely clients archive a better version of themselves. I love the moment when clients wake up after the session, they find themself in more gorgeous versions than before and shout out: Awesome!