Jennie P – Founder

Jennie P – Founder

Master of Creative Practice
New Zealand

With my aesthetic background, ability, passion and experience, I am confident that I can help my lovely clients archive a better version of themselves. I love the moment when clients wake up after the session, they find themself in more gorgeous versions than before and shout out: Awesome!

Kia Ora, I have been a specialist in terms of eyelash extensions and cosmetic tattoos over the years. Graduated with a Master of Creative Practice course in New Zealand, I used to be a graphic artist working in the art industry. However, I found myself keen on working in the beauty industry because obsessed with making people more beautiful. With my aesthetic foundation, talent, desire and experience, I believe I can help my lovely clients achieve a better visual and then make them happier in their lives.

Meatloaf flank pork alcatra. Swine brisket burgdoggen pig prosciutto porchetta shoulder jowl ball tip tail jerky. Leberkas cupim meatloaf flank kevin jowl picanha, capicola brisket jerky venison corned beef meatball.

Professional Life:
Boudin filet mignon alcatra drumstick landjaeger doner chuck ribeye pork chop jerky. Pork belly strip steak short loin salami. Brisket kevin beef porchetta turducke.







I love the moment when my beloved clients wake up open their eyes and shout out "Amazing!!!" That would be the happiest moment in my career.



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